About Us
The Bridge Association is a nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, California, dedicated to providing resources and funds from donors directly to local and global nonprofits helping underpriveleged communities.

FC DREAM Kids Soccer Team
Located in LA&OC, Join this kids soccer team beginning February 2023 and open to kids ages 5-10 years old.

Sofia's Congenital Heart Disease
Mexico, Baja, San Quentin. Sofia is preparing for surgery on congenital heart disease. Help Sofia and her family pay for the surgery.

Homeless in Downtown, LA
People in Need, Need You.
Homelessness can happen to anyone. Basic items such as food and clothing donations are needed. We are also looking for volunteers to help brighten their lives.

Developing Virtual Library App
Give dreams to people in poverty and inequality around the world with books. Let's show our children the wide realm of the world they can dream of with a book.https://www.hlbooksharing.com/